Respect for Life
I joined the Knights of Columbus, Hopewell Council # 7103 in 1981. That was really a long time ago (You can do the math).
My membership in the council has been rewarding and I recommend membership to all men of our catholic community.
For many years my brother Knights and the council have supported each Mother’s Day by offering a rose to each and all mothers after every mass on Mothers’ Day weekend. For me personally, it’s been great to spend time meeting, discussing, and witnessing life. Seeing many smiles… It has become a faith filled event.
We also have another faith filled weekend, of course with roses. Every October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is observed as Respect Life Sunday. So, during October, I along with my brother Knights will again offer a rose in support of Respect for Life. We accept donations at each event, which are forwarded to The Respect Life Ministries at the Diocese and the Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley.
The Knights of Columbus will respect, will defend, and will promise to promote the dignity of every human person at every moment in their life. We support all mothers in need and their children.
We are an organization fortified by its past and driven by its goals for the future dedicated to four core principles: charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Membership is open to Catholic men, 18 years of age and older who are committed to their faith and to making their community a better place while supporting the Catholic Community of Hopewell Valley.
If you seek to increase your faith and service to all, I encourage you to consider membership in Knights of Columbus Council # 7103.
Just join our team!
William T. (Bill) Lubas, 3rd Degree Knight
Trustee: Council # 7103