Chaplain’s Message

Pat Brannigan


A week ago on July 1st, the spaceship Euclid blasted off from Cape Canaveral in an attempt to explore black holes and find information about the origin of the universe.

This was not a first-time event or something new. Throughout history, people have wondered about the origin of the universe and the meaning of life.

And in searching, people have found life to be good. We only need to open our eyes to see beauty almost anywhere we look.

Throughout history, people have also wondered how this beautiful world could be plagued with pain, suffering, anger and hatred.

Throughout history – philosophers – theologians – ordinary people and even comedians have wondered – how can people lead good and moral lives? Is there a God?

Is there a purpose in life beyond just surviving?

If we read today’s Gospel carefully, we might find answers to these ancient questions.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the mysteries and the challenges of life do not need to be as difficult to understand as we sometimes think they are – in fact – the mysteries of heaven and earth are so easy to understand that God has revealed them even to the little ones.

Five times in today’s Gospel, Jesus calls God his Father and tells us that his Father reveals himself through his Son – his Son Jesus. This is a great theological fact expressed in simple words – God is our Father and if we want to know who God is – look to Jesus.

Does today’s Gospel tell us anything about our role in life?

Yes, in simple words – words easy for the people to understand – Jesus tells us that our role is to take up his yoke – and learn from him – learn from Jesus because he is meek and humble of heart.

The words translated as “meek” and “humble of heart” can also be translated as gentle – lowly – or deferring oneself as a servant to others.

Do we realize what Jesus is saying? The Jesus – who we call – Lord – Savior –- King of Kings – Prince of Peace – that Jesus – tells us that he is a servant to others – he came to serve and not to be served.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to take up his yoke – what is a yoke? What did Jesus mean when he tells us to pick up his yoke and learn from him for he was meek and humble of heart.

A yoke is a curved wooden crosspiece – a harness – that is fastened over the necks of two animals. The yoke makes the work being done easier by distributing the weight evenly – the two animals work together – the burden is balanced and equal. When Jesus says his yoke is easy – he is saying that his service is easy.

When we take up Jesus’ yoke – he walks with us. When we take up Jesus’ yoke – all our tasks – all our challenges are his. Jesus is pulling with us – helping us – he is taking on himself part of our labor and burden. That is why not only his yoke – but our yoke is easy and our burden light.

Now, just what is this yoke that the meek and humble Jesus invites us to take up?

In his letters to the Ephesians and the Colossians, the Apostle Paul spells out exactly what that yoke is – he tells us what the Christian life should be when he wrote:

As God’s chosen ones, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also do. And over all these put-on love … and be thankful. (Col 3:12-17)

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us to come to him. How do we come to Jesus?

We come to Jesus by saying yes to putting on his yoke of compassion, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, and love.
If we accept Jesus’ invitation to live with compassion, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness and love – we will not be saying yes to an impossible dream – we will not be saying yes to the impossible because Jesus will be tied to us – walking with us side by side – pulling with us – helping us with every challenge we will face in our life journey.

If we accept the yoke of Jesus, all the mysteries of life will be easier to understand. But why then does pain, suffering, anger and hatred exist in so many places?

Remember – God created us in his image – the image of love. His Command is that we love our neighbor as ourselves. But God also gives us free will – he allows us to make our own decisions. Unfortunately, for some the path of meekness and humility is not attractive. Instead of kindness, gentleness, patience, forgiveness and love – some choose self – some choose anger over love and revenge over forgiveness.

One of the most important messages in today’s Gospel is that if we come to Jesus when we are labored and burdened – Jesus will give us rest. What a wonderful promise.

Today, come to Jesus. Today, have a come to Jesus moment and surely our yoke will be easy and our burden light. Amen.